Thursday, 5 April 2018

Thoughts on my use of Social Media and the Internet

I have been thinking a lot lately about my use of social Media and the internet generally since I began the course. I realise that since embarking on the BAPP journey I have become a lot more open about my work on social media. I always use Facebook to publicise my work and performances and I did not do this so much before as I felt a bit scared to. However, I still do not find it easy to put myself out there on the internet and I do not use many forums other than facebook and this blog. I love my blog now and every time I do anything or think about something that I want to discuss, I straight away post to my blog. Considering that at the beginning I had to use 'wiki how' to learn how to start a blog I think I have travelled a fair journey!

However, I still feel I have a way to go. I am considering starting a website and possibly a professional artist facebook page with more details of what I have achieved and the kind of work I am available for. I have not got on with delicious or google docs really as I find it much better to send my work to different individuals by email or message. I have a flicr account but have not used as much as I could so I am thinking of trying to develop this next. I have to be strict with myself to ensure that I do not become fearful of getting myself out there on to the internet as I can fall into this trap very easily.


  1. Hi Ann, have you considered which sectors of the public you would want to appeal to and which social media platforms would be best suited? I do think as Facebook is the most widely used platform that’s definitely a great place to start. Also your strengths… you are clearly very good at words so somewhere you can write about your progress and performances and perhaps share that to Facebook, or if you’re great at taking pictures - a photo sharing platform could be good!

  2. Hi Izzy, Yes these are really good points. To be honest I think I have been trying to figure that out this past year and this is perhaps why I have found it more of a challenge. I have not felt that comfortable publicising too much while I have been in the process of figuring out what I am presenting as a freelancer but I am starting to have more of an idea now so I feel more confident about sharing everything.
