Sunday, 15 April 2018

Professional Artefact

Because there are a number of different strands to my inquiry with the historical aspects of Pavlova and the exploration of what current audiences are seeking, as well as the practical side of trying to embody some of the elements identified, it has been a challenge to come up with an appropriate artefact in which I can share the whole process of the inquiry. However, what I have identified as being important to people within the ballet world is having something very visual and not too wordy. Yet at the same time I felt that a video would be too much like my viva exam as I would have to do so much talking.

So, I have decided to create an album of collages themed to the key elements of the inquiry process and finding. I will collage around pictures which I have taken throughout the inquiry process as well as some historical pictures of Pavlova. This will be accompanied by small descriptions and points to make these key elements clear and understandable, as well as quotations from audience members and interviews. Each collage will be numbered and there will be a bibliography at the back, linking up with each collage to ensure that any images used out of books or off the internet are referenced using Harvard.

 I put this idea to a number of dancer colleagues who all agreed that a visual format would be much more enticing for them. Izzy Clough from Module 2 said that it sounded ‘a bit like a real life power point presentation’ and this made me think that I would need to ensure it was different to the viva, but I feel that the collages would take care of this as I would not use all of these in my actual power point. I also thought that colleagues and professional associates from the dance world are going to be particularly interested in the dances that I performed for my recent event so I might focus on the event with a number of collages and pictures in the costumes, accompanied by short descriptions on what the process of rehearsal and performance unveiled within my practice.

I also felt that an album is a good way to share my inquiry with as many people as possible because even if they do not have a lot of time they can always have a quick flick through and look at the pictures. I can also take pictures of the album and send it to people digitally or share it on blogs and social media. Another point is that the collages are a direct expression of my creativity, as is my dance, so it unites all aspects of my artistic self.

 I wondered if anyone had any thoughts as I would be most grateful for them! Thank you!


  1. Hi Ann, I know I have already commented on this in another message but I was wondering if any of your performances were filmed and whether you could do anything with excerpts of that?

    1. Thanks Izzy, This is a good point. I did have the performance filmed but it was on someone else's video camera. I am now trying to figure out if it is possible to get the files off them. I was thinking of then putting the video into the digital version of the album I was describing above.

  2. Hi Henry,
    Thanks very much for this, really useful to have the opinion of others in the dance field.
