Monday, 25 September 2017

Returning to Module 2

Hello everyone!
I am very excited to be returning to the BAPP programme for Module 2 (although I am still experiencing some admin issues with the uni). The last few months have been a roller coaster of ups and downs and I have had to make some very difficult decisions. However, it has also been a great time to reflect and many questions and ideas have emmerged which I look forward to exploring and discussing throughout the coming months.

After finishing last season and touring the productions The Light Princess and A Midsummer Night's Dream, I made the very difficult decision to leave my job with Ballet Cymru. The decision was related to injury and personal issues and I am therefore currently working as a freelance ballet dancer.

I am now looking forward to once again communicating with those on the BAPP network and catching up with those I know who are now starting on Module 3, as well as meeting new students embarking on Module 2 this month.

 Image from: